

Dear Esteemed Sponsors, Stakeholders, Advisors, Consultants, and Friends,

We trust this message finds you well. We are writing to you as a team, a team that you have been an integral part of, providing invaluable support and encouragement. Your unwavering commitment has played a significant role in our journey.

With immense pride, we share with you the news of our team achieving a Silver Medal designation this year, standing alongside esteemed institutions like Harvard, MIT, and Yale in the iGEM competition. This accomplishment is a testament to the passion, dedication, and resilience of our student-led research group.

As you may be aware, our team operates with limited support from our universities due to their financial constraints and resource limitations. Despite these challenges, your support has propelled us forward, enabling us to make a mark on this prestigious platform.

However, it is with a mix of pride and regret that I inform you of a decision that weighs heavily on our hearts. Operating and sustaining an iGEM team, especially as undergraduates, demands an immense investment of time and effort. In recognizing the limitations posed by this endeavor, we have come to the difficult conclusion that passing down our non-profit organization each year, coupled with the associated legal and administrative burdens, is not a sustainable path for future team.

Therefore, it is with a heavy heart that we announce the closure of our NGO, marking the end of our iGEM journey. While this decision is undoubtedly bittersweet, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support over the years. Your belief in our vision has been a driving force behind our successes, and for that, we are truly grateful.

As we bid farewell to this chapter, we carry with us the memories of shared triumphs and challenges. Our team may be disbanding, but the impact of your support will resonate with each team member, guiding us in our future endeavors.

Thank you once again for being an essential part of our journey. Your support has made a lasting difference, and we are sincerely grateful for the opportunities and experiences you’ve helped us achieve.

Wishing you continued success and looking forward to crossing paths in our future endeavors.

iGEM Bonn-Rheinbach Team 2023

About us

We are the iGEM Bonn-Rheinbach 2023 team, a student scientific research team that competes in the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Foundation. This foundation is dedicated to synthetic biology advancement, education and competition, and the development of an open community. The research is carried out with the aim of deciphering biological relationships to benefit people and the environment. More than 300 ambitious teams use the opportunity to design new research projects every year, where the teams come together to present and compete at the so-called annual Jamboree. Right now, our international team consists of 18 dedicated students of 12 nationalities, who have diverse educational backgrounds from the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, as well as the University of Bonn. iGEM Bonn has participated in the iGEM Competition every year since 2016, and won medals in both 2021 and 2022.

Über uns

Wir sind das iGEM-Team Bonn-Rheinbach 2023, ein studentisches Forschungsteam, das im Wettbewerb der International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Stiftung antritt. Diese Stiftung widmet sich der Förderung der synthetischen Biologie, der Ausbildung und dem Wettbewerb sowie der Entwicklung einer offenen Gemeinschaft. Ziel der Forschung ist die Entschlüsselung biologischer Zusammenhänge zum Nutzen von Mensch und Umwelt. Mehr als 300 ambitionierte Teams nutzen jedes Jahr die Möglichkeit, neue Forschungsprojekte zu konzipieren, die dann auf dem sogenannten Jamboree vorgestellt werden und gegeneinander antreten. Aktuell besteht unser Team aus 24 engagierten Studierenden aus 18 Nationen und unterschiedlichen Disziplinen von der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg sowie der Universität Bonn. iGEM Bonn-Rheinbach nimmt seit 2016 jedes Jahr am Wettbewerb teil und gewann in den Jahren 2021 und 2022 sogar Medaillen.